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Showing posts from November, 2019

Indian Famous Monuments

  Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib), Amritsar The holiest shrine and pilgrimage place located in Amritsar is The Golden Temple known as the Harmandir Sahib. This is the most famous and sacred Sikh Gurdwara in Punjab,  India , adorned with rich history and gold gilded exterior. If you are interested in culture and history, be sure to visit this popular attraction in India. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai Meenakshi Temple is situated on the Southern banks of Vaigai River in the temple city Madurai. This temple is dedicated to Parvati and her consort, Shiva and is visited by most Hindu and Tamil devotees and architectural lovers throughout the world. It is believed that this shrine houses 33,000 sculptures in its 14 gopurams. It’s no doubt one place to visit if you are impressed with art and cultural history. Mysore Palace, Mysore The Mysore Palace is a famous historical monument in the city of Mysore in Karnataka. Commonly described as the City of Palaces, this is the most famous tourist a

Types of service

Types of Service There are a number of service styles to be followed when it comes to how food and beverage should be served to the customers. The following are the most prominent styles − Table Service In this type of service, the guests enter the dining area and take seats. The waiter offers them water and menu card. The guests then place their order to the waiter. The table is covered in this service. It is grouped into the following types. English or Family Service Here, the host contributes actively in the service. The waiter brings food on platters, shows to the host for approval, and then places the platters on the tables. The host either makes food portions and serves the guests or allows the waiter to serve. To replenish the guests’ plates, the waiter takes the platters around to serve or to let the guests help themselves. This is a common family service in specialty restaurants where customers spend more time on premise. American or Plate Service The fo

What is service?

Service Although there are many definitions of the word, we believe that it is the “process of doing something for someone." Service is the act of handling a task. It is the intangible good that certain industries provide, including the hotel industry. Hotels service guests and they provide shelter and accommodation. Basic service is level one: the fast food of the hotel business where employees have little interaction with guests. As people spend more money on their experience they expect more. Guests are not only expecting better tangible accommodations, they are expecting the intangible experience to be unforgettable—service taken to the next level. This is hospitality. This is where a hotel’s value comes from. Hospitality exhibits itself in interaction. It could be checking in a guest, cleaning the guest room, taking a meal order in the restaurant, taking a beverage order in the lounge or any of the other opportunities that arise to assist a guest. Consider chec

Skill of the Bartender

Bartender You order a rum and Diet Coke You're drinking cane-based booze. You might as well pile it on. You order your drink in 'fingers' It's a joke among our crowd that the under-21s order in "fingers" to try to seem more sophisticated - and less underage. That's when customers use the width of their fingers to indicate how much liquor they want. Basically, if you order your drink like this, I will ask to see your ID. Seriously. You order a complex drink whose substitutions make it a basic drink When people try to mask their more basic, but desired, drink choice with substitutions, it's their insecurity that I judge, not their desire to have a vodka soda. So please. Just ask for a vodka soda. Don't ask for a gimlet, sub-gin-for-vodka, sub-lime-and-sweetener-for-soda. You arbitrarily add egg white to your drink Whiskey sour. Amaretto sour. Ramos gin fizz. These are the drinks it is appropriate to request egg white

Business Process Management

Business Process Management Business Process Management (BPM)  is, in a nutshell, the way your company manages and improves business processes. This can mean making all sorts of changes to how the process works. You could, for example, restructure it (remove a step, add a step, etc.) or completely re-engineer it using new technology (automating just about anything). Business Process Management – A Simple Introduction In a world filled with business-buzzwords, it can sometimes be hard to keep up. “Business Process Management” is one of those terms that get thrown around a lot. And unless you’re an experienced Chief Operations Officer, the whole BPM thing can be a bit confusing. So, we’re here to shed some light on process management. Business Process Management (BPM)  is the long-term strategy of analyzing and improving your processes. But before we dive into the specifics of process management, let’s talk a bit about processes. So What’s a Process? A business p

Noun & Common and types of Noun

Types of Noun Nouns are an important part of speech in English, probably second only to verbs. It is difficult to say much without using a noun. There are several different types of English nouns. It is often useful to recognize what type a noun is because different types sometimes have different rules. This helps you to use them correctly. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Common Nouns Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns refer to people, places and things in general like  chair  or  dog . Any noun that is not a name is a common noun. Examples:  teacher, car, music, danger, receipt Have you seen my  dog ? The  books  are on your  desk . ...the  pursuit  of  happiness . Proper Nouns Names of people, places or organizations are proper nouns. Your name is a proper noun.  London  is a proper noun.  United Nations  is a proper noun. Rule: Proper nouns always start with a capital letter. Examples:  Jane, Thailand, Sunday, James Bond, Einstein, Superman, Ga

Principal Compliment Analysis

Principal Compliment Analysis As you get ready to work on a PCA based project, we thought it will be helpful to give you ready-to-use code snippets. if you need free access to 100+ solved ready-to-use Data Science code snippet The main idea of principal component analysis (PCA) is to reduce the dimensionality of a data set consisting of many variables correlated with each other, either heavily or lightly, while retaining the variation present in the dataset, up to the maximum extent. The same is done by transforming the variables to a new set of variables, which are known as the principal components (or simply, the PCs) and are orthogonal, ordered such that the retention of variation present in the original variables decreases as we move down in the order. So, in this way, the 1st principal component retains maximum variation that was present in the original components. The principal components are the eigenvectors of a covariance matrix, and hence they are orthogonal.