Small Part of My Life Skip to main content

Indian Famous Monuments

  Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib), Amritsar The holiest shrine and pilgrimage place located in Amritsar is The Golden Temple known as the Harmandir Sahib. This is the most famous and sacred Sikh Gurdwara in Punjab,  India , adorned with rich history and gold gilded exterior. If you are interested in culture and history, be sure to visit this popular attraction in India. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai Meenakshi Temple is situated on the Southern banks of Vaigai River in the temple city Madurai. This temple is dedicated to Parvati and her consort, Shiva and is visited by most Hindu and Tamil devotees and architectural lovers throughout the world. It is believed that this shrine houses 33,000 sculptures in its 14 gopurams. It’s no doubt one place to visit if you are impressed with art and cultural history. Mysore Palace, Mysore The Mysore Palace is a famous historical monument in the city of Mysore in Karnataka. Commonly described as the City of Palaces, this is the most famous tourist a

Small Part of My Life

Small part of my life

Nowadays I am not happy why I don't know but my life still is going toward bad condition. Now I just pass time and remember my old memories. In childhood I am very happy and joy full person but today I am not. My life was started at 9th class. This is my second year of 9th class. Every person know we very well. I am not a good student. This thing told whole school teacher as well as student. I am very famous person in school. One more think is that I don't have any signal friend. I always sit alone and other person is never sit beside me. I am back bencher. I always sleep in class and any person don't have that much power of weak up me at sleep time. Teacher is also not disturb me when  I sleep. I am not speak a signal work. If my class teacher is taking attanden that time I reas my hand and wold day I sleep . I wake up at launch time after launch I sleep again. I pass three month as I write above. After three month FA1 came . In FA I am always give blank answer sheet. Every teacher know me very well . So never say anything . In FA I am also sleep. When exam time is over and teacher callect answer sheet that time I write my name and other detail and give the answer sheet. I have done same in all exam. Every teacher always abouse me. They always give punishment.  Some teacher said that stand out side of the class . My life is  going same. FA2 is also going same like past is left. In my life there is nothing adventure.  When SA1 came then I also give the exam but answer sheet is always empty except my name and other detail . I have very bad habit is that I never came in PTM. So my exam marks I never got in that day. I always take the exam marks next day of PTM. One of my teacher Mukash . He is science teacher. In perverse year I fall in science so I don't like Mukash. After SA1 he came in class and wake up me then he said that stand up . You are only one person that fall in all subject and you not attend and single answer I will fall you four time you will remember me first is done and second is going on weight and watch. When he finished then I humming the song in front him. That time I not speak a word. After sever day in school new teacher is came and now she is teaching the science. I sleep in class teacher came and wake up me and ask are you fine? I look the face and said that I am not fine I want sleep. She said ok I inform to principal and then you can go home. I said don't call her I don't want to go home . Only I want sleep . Ok she said then I sleep again. Next day I also sleep but she came and said that if you don't like science so no problem but don't sow like you are sleep I will never force you to teach the science but next day I hope you will see you wake up not till sleep. This is my humble request not order. If you not wake up so I also not try to wake up you tomorrow . She left the class. Tomorrow  when teacher came that time I still sleep. This is going same she is also not wake up me and I always sleep till more then one month. One day she is teaching in class then I wake up and go out of the class without permission for washroom. When I came back I enter the class without permission and  sit on my set and I just going to sleep she said hay sleeping boy now you are wake up don't try to sleep came here you sit in front of me. She arrange the set this one is first. I came with my bag and sit on the set.  Put the bag on dashak like plow and my had go down and sleep in first set in front of the teacher. When she turn the face then she said that I am not call you for sleep. Why you are sleep? Tall me I said that because I know each and everything in science that why. So you are very intelligent tall me about Gravity. I reply I know everything but is not mean that I will give the answer of your question. It's mean you don't know. I said that fist chapter name then page no the paragraph and after that I reply I thing I tall you what is written in those line. If I will give the answer then you will ask me some new question like Arkimant principal, Newton Law, sound experiment help of ball gar , boyance force . I ask so many question indirectly to the teacher. I ask those question that sill she is not teach but present in book. How you know about all those question. I already told you I know each and everything in science. Now time is out and left the class and I go back on my set. Next day when teacher is came in class that time I am wake up. This is the first time I see that she enter the class room. Now I am change but not whole.  I sleep the whole day except science class. I have very bad habit that I am not say good morning I mean that never greet the teacher. I thing she is also ignore my habit and always give the focus on study.  Now we are understand each other's. One day she call me Owais. This is not my name but I am not correct her.  Now she is always use the name Owais. Now I am just a normal student in her eye. In FA3 and FA4 I give the exam same like I always give. Now SA2 came  I give all the exam  and came in PTM. This is my first time.  I saw that there is three teacher first is Mukash , second is science teacher and third is my class teacher. My class teacher is said that came here Aashkeen and sit. Science teacher said that is he Aashkeen. Most bad student in this school. Principal is also update about Aashkeen in briefing. My teacher said that look your result . You are fall again. I said that I know my result tall me only science marks. My teacher said that 90/90 in SA2 only all are zero. I look Mukash face and smile after one year and said that I am happy just because of I am fall again. And lol , science teacher said that you are fall second time. I said yesssss. My teacher said that he is smile to someone. She is also smile. Science teacher why ma'am. You already said that he is most bad student but he is also most intelligent student because I know him. He is always came first from 1 to 8 class . I don't know  how he is fall in 9 class and only in science. I know science is favourite subject of his. This year he only got the marks in science not other. 


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